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Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Fifth Grade Curriculum Picks

Yea!  We survived fourth grade and are gearing up for fifth!

I have picked out our theme!  We're doing Riveting Robots from Creative Teaching Press.  Well, hopefully, as it is on backorder.

 Product Details Product Details

I want to make my own version of this pinata I found at party-wagon.com to hang up as a decoration and then let Rosalinda celebrate the end of the year by breaking it open!  (I'll add candy at the end of the year.)

Ok...now on to the actual curriculum...

We're sticking with Saxon for math...which I got at a steal at a 1/2 Price Book Store in Arlington.  They had the student hardback text book for $7.99, the test booklet for $3.99, and I can download the answer key free as an e-book!  It retails at $89.50, but I can find it for a little over $60.  However, I couldn't pass up a $12 deal!
Saxon Math 65 Home Study Kit Third Edition
We are also sticking with Learning Language Arts Through Literature, but moving from the Orange book to the Purple
Learning Language Arts Through Literature Student Activity Book: The Purple Book (Grade 5)Farmer Boy, Little House on the Prairie Series #3 (Softcover)The Trumpet of the Swan
Meet Addy, PaperbackCaddie Woodlawn, Softcover

We didn't finish two of our virtues and there are more stories in the other virtues that we haven't explored, so we're going to move forward with Book of Virtue studies that I borrowed from Shiver Academy.
The Book of Virtues

We're sticking to Mystery of History, but moving forward from volume 1 to volume 2!
I randomly received the timeline extra pack from someone clearing out their homeschool stuff, so I'm excited to try it as well.
The Mystery Of History, Volume 2: The Early Church and  the Middle Ages

Last year we had multiple science curricula, but I ended up liking this one the best...
It had a good integration of different skills outside of science and had plenty of experiments that were easy and affordable.

I'm not going to do any additional bible curriculum at the moment.  I'm just going to keep Rosalinda encouraged in her daily Jesus Calling For Kids devotional
.Product Details

Some maybes that I'm looking at adding to our studies
creative writing  book reports essays a
Product ImageProduct Image 

Can't wait for our orders to start arriving!

1 comment:

  1. I'll be planning for 5th grade next year so you gave me some great ideas.
